Sell High Ticket With Confidence And Grace

Are you ready to learn how to close powerfully and with grace…like a woman? Are you desiring to work less, make more and step into deeper alignment with your purpose in the process?

If so, you’re in the right place.

Hi and Welcome. My name is Jen Vera, Sales Embodiment Coach. I am here to support women in their next evolution of business (and life) through teaching how to powerfully and confidently close high ticket sales.

Sales is power. Understanding how to create money for yourself through sales is empowerment. Delivering a high level of service to clients is leadership.

Sales can be fun!.

The truth is: sales makes the world go ‘round. Cashflow aka sales is the lifeblood of any business - mastery of sales takes you to a whole new level of freedom and fulfillment AND it doesn’t have to feel daunting